Sunday, January 08, 2006


I've finally decided to do a post here.. though i have no idea what about what so ever. Sat here in front of the computer, this boring sunday, waiting for even more boring monday to come, a new week of school and all that stuff, complete waste of time on my opinion. I sometimes wonder why we dont just get more homework on Fridays and skip school on mondays.. but then i guess tuesdays would get as boring as mondays :/ Well what so ever and how ever that all will be.. i'm sat here, doing my Vampire Freaks Profile (go check that out) and listening to some music ( The Daisy Cutters - Baby Snatcher *i recommend downloading that song, its amazing*) trying to think of something to say on here, exept some compleatly pointless stuff.. like i've been writing now for the last few minutes. Anyway.. this has turned out to be a much longer post than i'd ever expected so i think i'll end it about now so .. cya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

herðu.... ég held bara að ég hafi skilið allt þarna.... svona nokkurnvegin allavega...;)
Allavega.... farðu nú að prófa að kommenta á bloggin mín (svona til smá breytingar)

En sko.... mér er allveg sama þó enginn af þínum ensku vinum geti lesið þetta því þetta er nú bara steypa með eindæmum.....

Ég er að éta Lays.... þú þurftir endilega að vita það... allavega, áður en þetta verður e-r ritgerð hénna ættla ég að hætta... cya sökker...!